What if I don’t have any legal experience?

What if I don’t have any legal experience?

Aced your degree… check. Aced law school… check.

Ready to apply for law jobs… but no legal experience. So, what can you do?

Future employers going to want to see some legal work experience on your CV, if only to show that you have done your research and are serious about a career in law. But how do you get your foot in the door?

How to use our guides to improve your study skills

How to use our guides to improve your study skills

Ok, so you’ve bought the guide – investment made, problem solved, 100% success in your course is now completely guaranteed and you can sit back. Right? Well, not quite – our guides should have your back, but it helps if you can put our guides to best effect. After all, the one sitting the exam will ultimately be you!

Plagiarism? Exam malpractice? Not really “a thing” is it?

Plagiarism? Exam malpractice? Not really “a thing” is it?

If you want to be a professional lawyer then note that you will have to satisfy the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority or the Bar Council that you are a fit and proper person to be a lawyer. Examination malpractice or plagiarism will have to be notified to the relevant professional regulator and could stop your career in its tracks before it has even begun. Not really an outcome anyone would be looking for!

What is the government's 'Breathing Space' scheme?

What is the government's 'Breathing Space' scheme?

There really isn’t much point in litigating to recover debts if you’re not going to be able to get any money at the end of the day. It’s always been important to consider the financial position of the proposed defendant before leaping off to take legal action, but there is now something new to consider – at least in the short term – if you succeed in getting judgment.

What’s the deal on human rights post Brexit?

What’s the deal on human rights post Brexit?

All of us could be forgiven for being confused about how Brexit has affected human rights protection in the UK. Only last month one prominent Brexiter was criticising the EU Human Rights Act. Hold on… that’s not sounding right is it? If legislation is called an Act it has been passed by the UK government. Why would the UK government preface the name of the Act with EU? The proper name of the Act enshrining human rights protection is, of course, the Human Rights Act 1998 (“HRA”).