Surviving another year of online exams!

Surviving another year of online exams!

There is no doubt about it that online learning is a lot more difficult than being able to go to your seminars and lectures in person. Whilst it is important that you put the work in, you need to protect yourself from becoming overwhelmed and cramming at the last minute, which can lead to burnout. There are no two ways about it - law courses are difficult and the lack of in-person support doesn’t make them any easier.

So how can we make things easier for ourselves?

Covid-19 and limitation periods

Covid-19 and limitation periods

Ok, so Covid has affected every single aspect of our lives and has and is causing huge problems with the court systems. There have been outbreaks of Covid emanating from the courts, there are shortages of judiciary to hear cases and a massive backlog of cases. On top of all of that Covid is now apparently rampant in our prisons. Covid’s impact on limitation periods is just one more thing!

How to look after legal documents

How to look after legal documents

If you’ve studies Civil Lit you’ll have learnt about search orders – draconian in nature these empower solicitors to look for particular categories of documents which are described in advance to the court. These orders are made infrequently and only where the court is persuaded that there is good reason that if the order is not made then relevant documents might go missing.

Does post Brexit “Sovereignty” mean that we’re not looking at EU law again?

Does post Brexit “Sovereignty” mean that we’re not looking at EU law again?

Well no. It doesn’t! This might come as quite a surprise to some. Since the UK had been a member of the EU for nearly 50 years our laws were comprehensively entwined with EU laws and in order to prevent a serious lacuna in the legal system the government enacted the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (“EU(W)A”). The EU(W)A created the concept of retained law effectively writing EU law wholesale into UK law.

What is the test for a successful tortious claim for nervous shock?

What is the test for a successful tortious claim for nervous shock?

Everyone who has studied tort is familiar with the difficulties faced by secondary victims in seeking to make a recovery for psychiatric harm or shock suffered in relation to being a party to shocking events without themselves suffering any physical harm. There are a plethora of reported cases for you to draw on in any essays on the subject.

How do you make yourself employable in a pandemic? (Part 2)

How do you make yourself employable in a pandemic? (Part 2)

In last week’s blog we talked all about getting work experience during a pandemic. We promised we give you some of our thoughts on what you can do to make yourself job ready. This is all about your transferable skills. A good place to start is a little skills audit of your own.

What skills do you need to be a solicitor? Here are a few quick ideas…