Careers Advice

How to choose the right Law Masters

How to choose the right Law Masters

Before making an application to study a law masters at postgraduate level, there are many things you need to take into consideration before making the application and also in order to enjoy the full benefits which come with the Masters’ experience. As we are now in the season for LLM applications, in this article I will be providing an overview of my Masters experience and factors you need to think about carefully before making any decision regarding your LLM application.

Why more mentors are needed in the law

Why more mentors are needed in the law

One of the best ways to succeed in law is to have a mentor – someone you can turn to for advice and guidance. Mentorship is rarely a formal scheme, which can benefit those with the right connections already. If you can turn to your parents and their friends for their thoughts on how best to apply to a particular law firm or for introductions to successful lawyers, you’re at a huge advantage when compared to the masses applying through conventional means.

Introducing Answered Squad!

Introducing Answered Squad!

When it comes to getting through your law exams and finding your dream job can feel like the biggest challenge there is. We totally get it. So many questions. So many decisions. It’s overwhelming.

And if there is one thing law students don’t have… is a lot of spare time to be figuring this all out yourself.

That’s why we’ve created the Answered Squad. Want to find out more?

Top tips to make your applications stand out

Top tips to make your applications stand out

Any graduate job attracts huge numbers of applications, and this is absolutely true of law. The old adage about failing to prepare being preparing to fail is 100% true for law apps. Helping you with applications is a topic for a good long book so today we’re just going to give you a few quick pointers. We will be coming back to this topic. Keep reading our blog to see our next comments. Top tips for today:

What if I don’t have any legal experience?

What if I don’t have any legal experience?

Aced your degree… check. Aced law school… check.

Ready to apply for law jobs… but no legal experience. So, what can you do?

Future employers going to want to see some legal work experience on your CV, if only to show that you have done your research and are serious about a career in law. But how do you get your foot in the door?

Plagiarism? Exam malpractice? Not really “a thing” is it?

Plagiarism? Exam malpractice? Not really “a thing” is it?

If you want to be a professional lawyer then note that you will have to satisfy the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority or the Bar Council that you are a fit and proper person to be a lawyer. Examination malpractice or plagiarism will have to be notified to the relevant professional regulator and could stop your career in its tracks before it has even begun. Not really an outcome anyone would be looking for!

How do you make yourself employable in a pandemic? (Part 2)

How do you make yourself employable in a pandemic? (Part 2)

In last week’s blog we talked all about getting work experience during a pandemic. We promised we give you some of our thoughts on what you can do to make yourself job ready. This is all about your transferable skills. A good place to start is a little skills audit of your own.

What skills do you need to be a solicitor? Here are a few quick ideas…

Law firm applications – you can do it!

Law firm applications – you can do it!

Applications for vacation schemes and training contracts can seem daunting. At the very least, they are enormously time-consuming, with all manner of hurdles for you to overcome before you finally get the offer you were hoping for. Many application forms for training contracts and vacation schemes are very similar, as many firms see vacation schemes as the route many of their prospective trainees will take. To tackle either of them, we recommend you do two things: prepare and persevere.