Getting legal experience has never been easy, but it certainly not going to be any easier over the next few years. Not something I know many of you will want to hear. This doesn’t mean that it will be impossible to get experience, but it will be more of a challenge.
How to stand out whilst working remotely - Online Vacation Scheme Top Tips
Training Contract applications – how to get through the first cut
We all know that training contracts are not easy to get. Law firms often receive well over a hundred applications for each available space. And of these hundred applicants, the vast majority will all look excellent on paper: good universities, high grades, and a raft of extra-curricular trophies and titles.
Will the SQE achieve its aim of diversifying the profession?
One of the SRA’s stated aims in shaking up legal education was to improve diversity in the solicitors’ profession. The logic was that, by removing the need to take and pass the LPC before a getting a training contract and qualifying as a solicitor, students would not have to take the “LPC gamble” of spending around £15,000 on the LPC without knowing they had a job at the end of it (excluding those lucky few who were granted a training contract while on the LLB or GDL of course).
The future for the legal profession?
This isn’t likely to be any part of your syllabus, but for those applying for law firms questions about the future direction of the legal profession are quite common. You’ll often find yourself gazing into a crystal ball as you try to work out what challenges and opportunities might be before law firms. Plainly Brexit and Covid-19 are very large elephants in the room and offer endless scope for pontification, but perhaps you’d like to write about, or answer questions on, something else?
How To Develop Your Critical Thinking Skills
I quite often hear from you that critical thinking assessment is the area that you perform less well at, find it rather difficult, and in consequence, stressful. The reality is that you cannot skip it, for most City law firms require you to take Watson Glaser or other critical thinking test (CTT) in order to progress with your training contract or vacation scheme applications. If we cannot leave it behind, we must learn how to live with it, and in this case, how to develop your critical thinking skills.
Are there going to be SQE preparatory courses?
Will the SQE kill the training contract?
How should you write as a lawyer?
Google is not your friend
A new way of managing discovery of documents
Those of you studying LPC will be familiar with the process of disclosure of documents (see page 33 of our LPC guide).
Broadly, if you’re going to embark on litigation you have to let the other side see relevant documents.